Name: Jessica Olson
Website: Wren Amber Clothing
Age: 41
Number of kids and ages: 2 kids, 5 yr old daughter and 18 mo old son
Location: Los Angeles, CA

The most surprising thing about being a first-time mom is watching in amazement what our bodies were created to do and experiencing first hand how much love you have immediately for this little being you just created.
My expectation vs. experience breastfeeding was I thought I would be pouring out milk, like my mother did, but in fact, I had to work hard to increase and build up my milk supply with my first child. With my second, it was the reverse and I had a ton of milk! Nothing like my first! So both times my expectation was different than my experience!
The best piece of advice about motherhood is there's no rule book and no exact right way to do something as a parent. Focus on the fact that you are the first experience of LOVE your child has, so as long as you love, nurture, and keep them fed ;), you're doing it right!