First name: Jill Apgar
Age: 34
Number of kids and ages: One daughter, age two
Location: Columbus, OH
The most surprising thing about being a first-time mom is the extreme range of emotions. It's entirely possible to go from feeling the highest high to the lowest low with the most subtle trigger.
My expectation vs. experience breastfeeding was complicated. My husband (a cancer survivor) and I knew from the very beginning of our relationship that we would choose adoption to grow our family. We were last among our group of friends to start our family so I experienced friends nurse and discuss the benefits of breastfeeding. But, quite honestly, it wasn't until we met my daughter Cora's birth mom that I started to give it much thought. Once the reality of Cora's arrival set in, I began to obsessively read every mom/parenting blog I could find. Most promoted breastfeeding as the best option and I felt guilty that Cora wouldn't have that option. I researched induced lactation before ultimately deciding that it wasn't the right solution for our family. Thankfully I had an incredibly support network who encouraged me that fed is best and Cora thrived with a combination of formula feeding and milk pumped from a few very generous friends!

The best piece of advice about motherhood is build a support network. The saying "it takes a village" is so true with respect to my parenting, career, and personal life. Fellow moms and communities like the Lunnie Hive have been an invaluable resource as I navigate the trials of raising a toddler, building my business, and staying sane!
Jill Apgar is the founder of Coco Beans, makers of 100% silk crib sheets for babies. As a mother to a biracial daughter, she is committed to celebrating the diversity of today's modern family. Read more about why Jill founded Coco Beans and her adoption journey. Lunnie Hive members can use discount code "Lunnie15" for an extra 15% off Coco Beans.