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Meet the designer and mom behind Lunnie’s logo: Rebecca Barney of Barney Designs

Meet the designer and mom behind Lunnie’s logo: Rebecca Barney of Barney Designs

Name: Rebecca Barney

Age: 34

Number of kids and ages: Three boys, ages 6, 3 and 9 months

Location: San Diego, CA

IG: @barneydesign

The most surprising thing about being a first-time mom is how much my life changed AND didn’t change all at the same time. I got super lucky with a baby that ate and slept well and so my husband and I still went out to eat and to the movies the first few months with a little babe in tow.

But most days, I felt trapped by nap time. Spending a lot of time at home during the day was tough and isolating to me. Once I was able to meet moms with similar age kids and make plans together, things were a lot better. It is SO true about finding your tribe, moms need other moms! Finding those people who are going through the same triumphs and struggles of motherhood was game changing.

 Rebecca Barney and family


My expectation vs. experience breastfeeding was is I didn’t have many expectations when it came to breastfeeding. My first baby was pretty easy and that was a huge blessing as a first time mom. I can’t say it’s my favorite thing about being a mother, but I know how lucky I am to have had positive experiences breastfeeding.

The best piece of advice about motherhood is take the help! Motherhood is not meant to be done alone, it’s too much for one person. So whenever someone wants to bring you dinner, clean your house or take your kids to the park so you can get some much needed rest, the answer is always yes.

My approach to designing Lunnie’s brand was…working on the branding for Lunnie was so fun. Sarah had a vision of what she wanted to create and that is always super helpful as a designer when the client has a pretty good idea of what they want (most people know what they DON’T want but not necessarily what they do want). She wanted to capture this feeling of “everyday luxury,” since her nursing bra is by far more elegant than most you find in the stores BUT also wanted it accessible for every woman (which I love of course). So when designing the brand for Lunnie, I took that idea and ran with it using feminine neutrals in the color palette and a clean, sleek logo for the logo creating a modern and timeless look.

About Rebecca and Barney Design: A few years after graduating college, I started working at a small music and arts library in La Jolla, CA. Most of my work was administrative duties with the occasional brochure design for an upcoming event held at the library. A co-worker told me about a graphic design program through the university and I applied within the month and I’ve been designing ever since!

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