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How food business owner Katie Mathews keeps her kids and herself nourished

How food business owner Katie Mathews keeps her kids and herself nourished

Name: Katie Mathews

IG: @ordinariefare

Age: 30

Number of kids and ages: Two kids, 4-year old-girl and 1-year-old boy

Location: Oakwood, OH

The most surprising thing about being a first-time mom is the maternal intuition for sure! It was so scary to be given such a life-changing responsibility without having done it before, but I was surprised with how my intuition for my baby’s needs kicked in automatically. Often times it went against the norms or suggestions of others, but when I followed it, it led to good things for me and my family.

My expectation vs. experience breastfeeding was I thought you just put the baby on and they suck and all is well! Eeek! With my first, it was so challenging. We used a nipple shield for NINE MONTHS after trying everything else, and then we nursed comfortably for two beautiful years. With my second, the first two weeks were gruesome but then we adjusted to each other and my boy still nurses around the clock at one year. A full time job for sure!

The best piece of advice about motherhood is believe in your gut instincts for you and your baby and find something, even small, that is solely for YOU each day. And focus on keeping yourself nourished just as much as you focus on keeping your baby nourished!

About Katie and her business, Ordinarie Fare: Ordinarie Fare is a plant-forward food business in Dayton, OH specializing in gluten-free, vegan, and whole-food fare, from baked goods to raw treats to a variety of plant-forward salads, sauces, and more. All of our fare is 100% gluten-free, vegan, and made without any refined sugars, flours, or artificial ingredients. Plants are amazing!

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